Ящики свечные

The Candle Stands are located at the entrance of each Temple. They have special cases for candles and usually a slot is found on them where the flock can toss coins to assist the Parish.

Our catalog contains engraved wooden or metal designs, crafted by the experienced hands of our craftsmen with a guarantee of quality and durability. You can choose between Candle Stands with or without a coin box as well as for floor or table use depending on your needs.

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Ms M. Williams

"...Dear OramaWorld, The Chalice Set is here!!!!! It arrived in regular mail after 28 days of travel. The packaging in excellent shape. It is 8:50 PM here and I finally could not wait another minute to open the box. After opening the box and seeing all the small packages so carefully wrapped I decided to wait to open them until tomorrow evening at Vespers . . .but Father Francis gave permission and I did unwrap the Star, the Lance and the Spoon. Glorious! Thank you and your staff for your fine work!..."

March 2, 2016