With a Business Account at OramaWorld.com in addition to having the benefits of a Personal Account as shown below, you will be able to:
get discounts up to 40% on all product categories,
receive our newsletter with information regarding new products, new services and special offers,
save permanently the products added to Your Shopping Cart until you remove them, or check them out,
save permanently the products added to Your Wish List until you remove them, or move them to your cart,
receive our newsletter with information regarding new products, new services and special offers,
be up to date on an orders status keep track of the orders you have previously made
Personal Account Benefits
With a Personal Account at OramaWorld.com you will be able to:
use the eCards service to send your favorite greeting cards,
save permanently the products added to Your Shopping Cart until you remove them, or check them out,
save permanently the products added to Your Wish List until you remove them, or move them to your cart,
save permanently the churches added to Your Churches List together with the affiliation levels until you change them or remove them,
receive our newsletter with information regarding new products, new services and special offers,
be up to date on an orders status keep track of the orders you have previously made,
share your opinions on products with our other customers and/or your friends,
contribute with 1% of your order to the 'Lighten a Church' service and help Churches acquire needs