CD 1
1. Taking knowledge of the secret command, Tone 8, quick chant
2. To thee, our leader in battle; Line 1, slow chant
3-8. First section of the Salutations
9. To thee, our leader in battle, quick chant
10-15. Second section of the Salutations
16. To thee, our leader in battle, quick chant
17. Psalm 50
18. Canticles 1 and 3, Tone 4 (legetos)
19. To thee, our leader in battle, slow-fast chant
20-25. Third section of the Salutations
26. To thee, our leader in battle, quick chant
27. Kathisma, Canticle 3, Tone 1
28. Canticles 4, 5 and 6
29. Petition
CD 2
1. To thee, our leader in battle, quick-slow chant
2-7. Fourth section of the Salutations
8. To thee, our leader in battle, quick chant
9. Kontakion-Ikos-Synaxarion
10. Canticles 7 and 8
11. Canticle 9
12. Exapostilarion - "The mystery hidden from all ages"
13. Let everything that hath breath, Tone 4
14. Psalms 148-150, Tone 4
15. Sticherοn, slow chant
16. Stichera, quick chant
17. Glory, Tone 4
18. Doxology, Tone 8
19. O Great Lord, Tone 8
Musical Director: Athanasios Vourlis, Professor, University of Athens.
Recording - Music Editor: "Echogennisi" - P. Kalambakas.
Production: Singing performed by the choir of the Holy Convent of the Annunciation, Ormylia - Greece.
Priest: Hieromonk Athanasios of Simonopetra.
Weight: 0.50kgr [Shipping Times & Rates]
Availability: Not available or currently could not be made.