Aged-Wooden Byzantine Icon of Saint Nicholas.
Saint Nicholas was born in Patara in Lycia and at a young age, after losing his family, he became the heir to a property which he donated to poor and suffering people. He was dedicated in the ascetic life and was elected archbishop of Myron, but was imprisoned for his faith as required by Diocletian's decree.
When Constantine the Great took over the empire and freed the Christians, Saint Nicholas returned to the duties of archbishop.
Until his death in 330 AD, Saint Nicholas helped many people with his miracles and teachings.
According to tradition, he is the patron saint of mariners.
A model of faith and the image of gentleness, the example of your life has shown you forth to your sheep-fold to be a master of temperance. You obtained thus through being lowly, gifts from on high, and riches through poverty. Nicholas, our father and priest of priests, intercede with Christ our God that He may save our souls.
The aging technique is meticulously applied to the Icon by hand and gives it the look of time while the depiction retains its artistic details.
Around the perimeter, the aging becomes more apparent with frayed edges that give the Icon a distinctive appearance.
During the final processing, the Aged-Wooden Icon of Saint Nicholas is polished with a special varnish to withstand time.
Note: The final Icon may slightly differ from the catalog photo.
Feast: December 6
Iconographer: Liondas Chr.
Availability: Made to order, usually ships within 5 to 10 days.