Aged-Wooden Byzantine Icon of All Saints.
In the Christian life there are many who lived close to God with humility and reverence but without being known for their Holiness. These persons can be Saints, Holy Martyrs, Hieromartyrs, Great Martyrs, Confessors, Prophets and Fathers.
The first Sunday after Pentecost has been designated as a day of remembrance of All Saints by our Church, known as "the Sunday of All Saints", in order to honor their theological purity.
Your Church, O Christ our God, clothed itself in the blood of Your martyrs from throughout the world, as though it were a robe of linen and purple; through them, she cries out to You, "Send down upon Your people compassion, grant peace to Your commonwealth, and to our souls, great mercy."
The aging technique is meticulously applied to the Icon by hand and gives it the look of time while the depiction retains its artistic details.
Around the perimeter, the aging becomes more apparent with frayed edges that give the Icon a distinctive appearance.
During the final processing, the Aged-Wooden Icon of All Saints is polished with a special varnish to withstand time.
Note: The final Icon may slightly differ from the catalog photo.
Iconographer: Holy Monastery Pantoctratoros
Availability: Made to order, usually ships within 5 to 10 days.