Saint Cyriaca, Martyr - Byzantine Icon

[Model: BYZ_st-8971]

Handmade Byzantine Icon of Saint Cyriaca.

Saint Cyriaca the Martyr was the daughter of Dorotheos and Eusevia, a couple who were unable to have children but prayed daily to God to bless them with a child, as it happened. 

Saint Cyriaca grew up and became a faithful Christian, just like her parents, but during the persecutions under Diocletian, they were arrested. After excruciating interrogation, they beheaded her parents and she was tortured for not denying her faith, and eventually she was beheaded too.

Apolytikion of Saint Cyriaca

O Lord Jesus, unto Thee Thy lamb doth cry with a great voice: O my Bridegroom, Thee I love; and seeking Thee, I now contest, and with Thy baptism am crucified and buried. I suffer for Thy sake, that I may reign with Thee; for Thy sake I die, that I may live in Thee: accept me offered out of longing to Thee as a spotless sacrifice. Lord, save our souls through her intercessions, since Thou art great in mercy.

The Icon of Saint Cyriaca is an exact copy of Byzantine art and is created by experienced craftsmen using the method of gold printing where hagiographic leaves of 22 karat gold are applied in detail to decorate the background.

During the final processing, the icon is painted with dark red color around the perimeter and polished with a special varnish to maintain its shine.

It is offered in level or recessed wooden surface and is suitable for wall mounting.

Feast: July 7

Iconographer: Kantarelis Vasilios

Availability: Made to order, usually ships within 5 to 10 days.

Please choose one from the available options shown below:
Size - Feature Weight Price
2.5x3.5 in (6x9 cm) - smooth0.1$5.00USD
4x6 in (10x15 cm) - smooth0.2$10.00USD
6x8 in (15x20 cm) - smooth0.3$20.00USD
8x10 in (20x25 cm) - smooth0.6$30.00USD
5.5x7 in (14x18 cm) - with gold leaf and raised border0.35$40.00USD
12x16 in (30x40 cm) - smooth1.7$50.00USD
7x9.5 in (18x24 cm) - with gold leaf and raised border0.65$60.00USD
9.5x12 in (24x30 cm) - with gold leaf and raised border0.85$80.00USD
12x16 in (30x40 cm) - with gold leaf and raised border2.7$120.00USD
14x18 in (35x45 cm) - with gold leaf and raised border4.4$150.00USD
20x28 in (50x70 cm) - smooth4.9$150.00USD
20x28 in (50x70 cm) - with gold leaf and raised border5.9$250.00USD
Current Reviews: 1

by Mrs Manon robitailleDate Added: Thursday 14 July, 2016

Good evening OramaWorld, i just received my icon, thank you it is beautiful. I will be ordering more icons from you in the future, for they are absolutely lovely. thank you seriously Manon


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This product was added to our catalog on Monday 02 November, 2015
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