Diaconal Oraria

The Diaconal Orarion is a long, narrow strip of fabric that the Deacon wears on his left shoulder, with its two ends hanging, one in the front and the other in the back. The word comes from the Latin "orare", which means "I pray", and symbolizes the wings of Angels.

The Deacon holds the front end with his right hand when praying. During the  "Our Father", the Deacon wraps both ends of the Orarion on his back to have ease of movement during the Holy Communion that follows.

Our collection includes Diaconal Oraria in various colors and designs, all embroidered with intricate patterns of the Ecclesiastical tradition.

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George Georgiadis, Australia

"...Dear OramaWorld, The covered Gospel we ordered arrived today and has exceeded all expectations in it’s beauty and craftsmanship. Thank you so much! The Gospel will make it’s debut in our Church on the Vespers of Palm Sunday when clergy from all over the Diocese will be in attendance to admire your work! Thank you again!..."

March 28, 2017