Hieratical Epimanika are liturgical vestments of the Orthodox and Catholic Church. They are cuffs, one for the right hand and one for the left, worn by the Deacon, Priest, and Bishop. They are made of dense fabric and tied to the wrists to hold the wide sleeves of the stichari. Hieratical Epimanika symbolize the tying of Christ's hands and wrists as He was flogged and reminds us that everything we do with our hands must be for the glory of God.
The Hieratical Epimanika in our collection are embroidered with gold thread and feature images of the Orthodox Church on their surface.
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V. Rev. Peter Askoar
"...The censer is very well done, and it arrived in good order. Once again you have shown your love for your work for others, God Bless always your efforts and your company...."
December 28, 2010