Miraculous, magical, and maybe a little mysterious, Εlixirs are flavored and slightly sweet liquids that can be added to drinks, water, or tea to address various ailments. Nature has always had the ability to heal the human body, and that's precisely what our elixirs are made for.
Acacia, Angelica, Burr, Thistle, Vaxino, and Willow- just to mention a few- each herb produces a different elixir, and in every bottle, you will find a wonderful remedy for several physical ailments. The individual descriptions of each elixir will guide you on how to use them.
Please note that elixirs do not replace medicines. Consult your doctor before consuming them.
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Ms M. Williams
"...Dear OramaWorld Crew, I simply cannot find words to tell you how much we admire your excellent and very beautiful work. Father Francis is a quiet man yet when he unwrapped your gift (and indeed it is a gift) he expressed emphatically and with much admiration said, “We will keep this in the Church” and whoosh away The Chalice set went to be on the deacon’s table in the Altar area until class! He was more than pleased! With tears of joy I pray God’s Blessing on you during this Great Lent and forever. (Surely, I will return many times to browse oramaworld) Marion..."
March 2, 2016