Wooden Crosses

Explore our collection of hand-made Wooden Crosses, including Neck Crosses, Wall Crosses, Crosses with bases, and Blessing Crosses. All boast unique designs inspired by the Christian tradition. 

The cross is the ultimate symbol of our faith. Having a cross around us is a timeless tradition, providing comfort, protection, and a constant reminder of our beliefs. Choose from our diverse range and bring the profound symbolism of the cross into your daily life.

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Myrna Ruiz-Brown

"...I received your invoice and letter today, and I wanted to thank you for the excellent service your company provided. The engolpion arrived in time for His Grace to wear to the service on Nov. 2 in Constantinople. I am forwarding the response from the Orthodox Church in Puerto Rico concerning the engolpion for your information. The Panagia came last night. IT IS ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL. His Grace, was so pleased and thankful. Once again, thank you for the great service! ..."

October 27, 2009