The Gospel (in Greek "ευαγγέλιο", meaning “good news”) is the timeless record of Christ’s life and teachings as written by the four Evangelists: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
Our collection offers a variety of gilded Gospels adorned with silver and enamel details. On the front side, the Crucifixion of Christ is engraved, while on the back side, the Resurrection is depicted. The figures of the four Evangelists are engraved on the four corners of the cover.
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George Georgiadis, Australia
"...Dear OramaWorld, The covered Gospel we ordered arrived today and has exceeded all expectations in it’s beauty and craftsmanship. Thank you so much! The Gospel will make it’s debut in our Church on the Vespers of Palm Sunday when clergy from all over the Diocese will be in attendance to admire your work! Thank you again!..."
March 28, 2017