Holy Table

The Holy Table is perhaps the most important piece of church furniture. It has a square shape and is located in the center of the chancel. The sacrament of Holy Communion is performed on the Holy Table. According to Christianity, the Holy Table symbolizes the transmission of the blood and body of Christ to the universe.

The Holy Table in our collection is made of brass, gilded, and silver-plated and is decorated with silkscreen images on the sides.

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Revd Dr John Morgan-Guy

"...May I acknowledge with thanks the safe arrival of Order No.14343, and express the delight and gratitude of those who had placed it. I have been asked to pass on their thanks for your courtesy and the quality of the work itself. I am quite sure that the person for whom it is intended as a gift will be extremely happy with it, and value it greatly. We would wish to express our entire satisfaction with the way in which OramaWorld handled and expedited our order, and congratulate you on the tenth anniversary of your firm. Such personal attention is all-too-rare in today?s business world...."

September 29, 2010