The Ossuaries are used to protect the bones after burial. In the Orthodox Church, the bones of the deceased are placed in their entirety in the Ossuary, while if there is a suspicion that the deceased is a Saint, then a Relic Case is used.
The following Ossuary is large in size for the placement of the Reliquary in the area of the temple. It is handmade and wood carved with designs of the Byzantine tradition while at the bottom it has storage space.
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Tiziano Trenti - Italy
"...I have just received your parcel with the Icons. The Pantanassa is really, really wonderful. I can not master my English enough to describe how beautiful it is and how much I love it! Of course, the other two icons are also beautiful, but now I am totally captured from the Pantanassa I have so much wished for. God bless you, and hope we can deal again soon. All the best, Tiziano ..."
May 5, 2004