OramaWorld is the World's Oldest Orthodox Christian Online Store that provides Quality Handmade Religious Icons & Crafts, inspired from Byzantine Art and Orthodox Tradition.
Our Name comes from the Greek word Orama that means Vision and
together with the word World (Ecumenical) depicts our vision for serving all Christians around the
globe with quality handcrafted religious goods.
Click here to read more about us!
In OramaWorld you can find unique religious items, including handmade Orthodox Byzantine Icons, Blessing & Pectoral Crosses, Incense, Censers and Liturgical Vessels. We constantly update our collection with new designs and handcrafted products.
You can navigate through our collection by using the horizontal top menu or clicking any of the product categories shown on the upper-left column.
Handcrafted gifts of love, prayer and faith. They are humbly made in the Byzantine and Russian styles as works of art and relics to remind the Love of our Jesus Christ.
Refer friends to OramaWorld and you'll receive 200 points for each one. In addition, every friend you recommend will receive a 10% discount voucher.
Note: For more listings, click here to see Christian Name Days for the next 30 days.
Enameled Handcrafts
OramaWorld provides quality religious handmade items by associating with the best workshops of eccleciastical goods in SouthEastern Europe.
We had the opportunity to film one of the Craftsmen, preparing a chalice set with enamel.
You could get an idea how the handmade items we offer are produced, by downloading the related video (aprox. 10Mb)!
A special Service that OramaWorld offers to aid Churches, Chapels or Missions around the World to be equiped with liturgical items that could not afford to acquire by themselves.
Oramaworld gives the ability to Clergy or Parish Council Officers to publish these needs that our Visitors would be informed about and if possible to help.
Moreover, OramaWorld gives 1% from every order we receive at the end of each calendar year to support directly some of these needs.
An OramaWorld initiative that aims to become the most complete online directory of worldwide Orthodox Heritage, Presence and Community Service Activities.
The directory includes:
Larry German
"...Yesterday we had the altar candles blessed and I was able to take some pictures. I must say that they compliment the rest of our furnishings. Thank you again for all your kind assistance. God Bless!..."
May 18, 2009